Saturday, July 24, 2010


we are in a black hole, internet in PP did not work yesterday, and now we are sitting in on the riverfront close to kampot, are swimming in the river and doing absolutely nothing. terrible drive there, though (shudder), 4 people and 1 baby benjamin in a car, potholes all over.

we came here amongst others to go to bokor mountain resort, but there is no access for the time being (reasons unclear), so we will have a lazy day on the river, continue to kep on monday (where anne and christoph drop us, before they go back to the city). katja and i will then travel further to either sihanoukville or the sandfly island (depending on the weather, we do not want to get killed in a fisherman's boat off the cambodian coast).

will post new photos when back in phnom penh next thursday or friday.

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