Saturday, August 28, 2010

battambang - die letzte

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quiet nights in battambang

the first day the whole battambang province had no electricity

foot after monsoon muddy moto trip

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moto trip

worst guide? no, best guide!
where the waterfall was supposed to be...
we only found a dirty river and a "tourist resort" definetely and exclusively aimed at cambodian tourists. concrete elephants, indians and hula girls.

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heartwarming beauty of battambang province

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rice field and feet

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phnom sampeau

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battambang province by moto

beautiful battambang province.
summary of the day:
rented a moto to get to phnom sampeau and its "killing caves", ran out of gas, found a local "guide" who had no clue at all but was very nice and promised to show us around without actually knowing where he (or we) wanted to go, as a consequence we nearly went over the border to thailand without any intention to go there, drove to a waterfall which wasn't one but just a river, planted rice, did not find the bamboo train, but instead got completely lost (together with our cambodian friend) in the hinterland, got into torrential rain on a mud road, decided to stop the tour as it was getting dark and we were starting to be afraid we wouldn't even find back to battambang anymore, the guide clearly did not know where we were, could not read maps and was too proud to admit he had no clue and also too proud to ask villagers for directions.
lost my flipflop in the mud while driving the damn moto, trying not to slide into huge water pools and nearly drowning the bike, we decided that we would not find the bamboo train on that day. the guide got very depressed at that point, as he really wanted to take us there (and this time was really sure he now knew how to get there... )

announced on the Battambang district website as:


Battambang province BAMBOO TRAINS will wait for tourists to come and sit on them and enjoy the scenary along the railway road . The tourists can see the rice field , trees, kind of animals ... most importance. our servers will serve hospitality, happily, friendly and closely . The railway road is 4 KM.and will take 1 hour on It . We would like all of the tourists who come to CAMBODIA , Don't forget take time to BATTAMBANG province and please go directly to sit on BAMBOO TRAIN , the most popular in province . More information , contact Mr. TUY RONG head office of Battambang Municipality and province. Thank you


khmer rouge victim shrine, phnom sampeau

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battambang - a huge favourite

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daily life on water's edge

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